
Affichage des messages du février, 2019
Either correct or disappears Several stormy squalls hit the homeland This sparrow head I assumed was disoriented The depression boarded the party The entire brain was destroyed  By pure unforeseen, you remaind there A heat was discerned My soul was rebuilt Mercy.
                                                  Paralyzed Frightened I figured, shyness I defied The warm wind was invigorating my aegis The branches tumbled one over its opposite June evening, I was panicking  Nobody fructified to get me out of my shack after this event

How is the life

Life teaches us many lessons. They are often difficult to accept  at first, but the more we experience them, the easier they are to understand. The interesting thing about life lessons is that all people want to be told what they are, but you can’t really know it until you’ve lived things for yourself.Once you have experienced a hard truth, you can evolve as a individual and learn. These lessons, though difficult at first, make life easier. To help you remember the most important lessons to learn from life, here are some that have helped me a lot. Even though you can have your own experiences to understand their truth meaning, they can be helpful in moving forward. Try to stay as positive as possible throughout the day. It may seem far-fetched, but a positive attitude in a situation can produce positive results. Everything depends on expectations; if you expect something to go wrong, it may actually go wrong.. On the other hand, if you expect something to go well, you will pro...